How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
The terms "pop performer" and "pop star" have become interchangeable — strictly speaking, in media terms they are not the same thing. The study of stars as media texts/components of media texts demands that the distinction be made between those who are simply known for performing pop music and those who are known for being pop stars, who have an identity or persona which is not restricted solely to their musicianship.
- In order to understand the relationship between the industry and its audiences, it is important to consider the roles of music stars.
- The term ‘star’ refers to the semi-mythological set of meanings constructed around music performers in order to sell, the performer to a large and loyal audience.
- Dyer has written extensively about the role of stars, in film, TV and music.
- irrespective of the medium stars have some key features in common, which are; A star is an image not a real person that is constructed out of a range of materials. (advertising mags etc).// Stars are commodities produced and consumed on the strength of their meanings.
- Stars depend upon a range of subsidiary media (mags TV internet etc) - In order to construct an image for themselves, which can be marketed to their target audiences
- The star image is made up of a range of meanings which are attractive to the target audiences.
- Common values of music stardom - Youthfulness, Rebellion, Sexual magnetism, Attitude.
- Fundementally the star image is incoherent, that is incomplete and ‘open’, Dyer says this is because it is based on two key paradoxes
1). The star must be simultaneously ordinary and extra ordinary - Lazy Rymz - Urban set - with friends - Costume, sass - DJ set
2). The star must be simultaneously present and absent for the consumer - posters, video, interview - not fully embodied - concert (be with them)
- Using different backgrounds
- Bright and vibrant colours
- Outlining the girls and making them stand out- this also creates a retro hip-hop 90’s look.
- Positioning of the girls- canted angles- adhering to stereotypes
we also had to use the star image theory on our website, we realised that we had already got across the serious aspect of our groups image, with links to female independence. So for the website we kept this but we wanted to show there was another side to their image, which is more fun side, we helped get this through using a lot of colourful design within the website, for example the front page of the site, is the three girls looking serious, but surrounded by a load of abstract colourful lines, which is a similar style to something that KidnPlay used to use. Also to get the image across on the band page, there is a little back story to each of the girl, all of which highlight the classic background that RnB artists would come from in the 90’s. This is further shown within the gallery of photos, especially by one which shows the girls standing over the city of Brooklyn.
- bold image
- Sense of sass and attitude
- Bright vibrant colours
- Different shapes and patterns
- Clear layout
- Youthful and fun description of the girls.
- Urban vibes
Music Video
Through using Richard dyers theory of star image we were able to construct a group that we thought matched what was needed. Using both the lyrics and visuals within our music video we were able to portray our artists, as a group of strong independent woman, which was a common theme within 90’s RnB with reference to examples such as, independent women –Destiny’s Child and girl talk by TLC. An example of the shot which arguably highlights would be when the main artist is sitting on the sofa with everyone, in the centre of the shot, holding on her lap the boombox on her lap highlighting that she has control over it. Moreover, as a 90’s RnB group to fit the star image of this genre, we used a lot of bright and flashy colours within the video, such as the gel screened panels as one of the sets. Also the girl’s costumes, all of which were brightly coloured helped get this part of the image through, and you can see a similar style of costume used in Destiny’s Child music video for the song Nasty Girl. Through the use of star image, we were able to create a both successful and creative music video, which allowed us to achieve our desired 90’s RnB themed music video.
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