Monday, 24 November 2014

Flaws, changed details in Thriller idea

When Tyler first suggested that we use fake money in our video we looked online to research prices, different currency's and the amount that we would need to which we decided on using fake euro's due to the amount of countries that use the euro, creating a more legitimate feel to it. We considered using the U.S dollar, however we decided against this due to wishing to avoid a clichè. The pound was also a deffinite potential but the euro has the edge over this due to its more 'proffessional' look.

In our current thriller idea, I wrote about having fake drugs in the safe, but thinking on this we felt it would be dull, unoriginal and very clichèd to use them. To overcome this we decided to use a memory stick/hard drive as that would force the audience to ask so many more question and it creates a feeling of mystery and would certainly create tension.

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