Monday, 10 November 2014

My AS Thriller ideas 2014

Idea 1
 Have a shot in which a text is received with an address with details of specific location. Shot of reaction shot of a person getting into a car- drives off. Follow the car through the countryside, then car arrives at location, finds object- body part etc. twig snapping sound, close up on person turning around- screen goes black.
Opening title sequence- shot of person looking over scenery from the pack with the names of ppl involved appearing in the top left corner of the screen.
Idea 2
Shot of person sitting on a laptop browsing the internet, then cut to another shot of someone tied to a chair with the captor also on a laptop emailing. main focus on the man browsing the internet but with lots of very quick cuts of the hostage. email comes through to the man minding his own of a sinister message, e.g. 12:00 at A or she dies’ sort of thing.
opening title sequence, over shoulder shot of text saying ‘on way home, see u soon’. then action shot of a woman tied up in the boot of a car.
Idea 3
Walk towards a car, find piece of paper tucked under windscreen wipers saying meet at x at whatever time. car driving through country side, (must be dark) to woods. arrive to find people cloaked wearing white masks sitting around a fire. screen goes black.
old fashioned writing on green sci fi back ground.
Idea 4
Over shoulder of two men in a car, talking in Russian with the word dead in English used for emphasis. follow then on the journey around the roads to a house. men get out and take guns from the boot. cut to a man in military uniform sitting at a desk on a laptop with a US flag on the wall. laptop out of focus. then the two mens legs and shoes appear in the shot. screen goes blank. credits come up in center screen while newspaper clippings about the Russian USA cold war appear on screen.

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